NIRRIS advokátní kancelář

  • due diligence of individual real estate properties and entire construction development projects, including energy works projects
  • preparation of purchase agreements, contracts with developers and architects, contracts for work, cooperation contracts, mortgage agreements and agreements on the establishment of servitudes, including contracts on future contracts
  • lease agreement templates, including contracts on future contracts, negotiations with tenants
  • entire documentation for funding real estate and development projects, including security  documentation
  • proposing optimal procedures for the implementation of construction development projects
  • legal advice regarding urban planning
  • legal advice relating to restitution claims
  • representation in EIA proceedings and urban, construction and occupancy permit proceedings

  • legal advice in environmental law
  • comprehensive legal advice in the energy field
  • full contractual documentation necessary for the execution of energy projects, in particular photovoltaic power plants
  • preparation of banking contracts and other contracts executed by banks
  • legal services relating to credit financing
  • legal advice on securities law, including preparing contractual documentation for the transfer of securities and their derivatives, their lease, pledge, deposit, etc.
  • drafting of security instruments and guarantees

Our references

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    a German company providing an overall service and assembly of photovoltaic power plants

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    a member of a Japanese group operating mainly in the automotive industry

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    a member of a multinational group providing services associated with the administration and maintenance of buildings

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    Municipal Council Praha-Klánovice

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    Czech Plastic Production
    a subsidiary of Papier Mettler International, a leading producer of plastic and paper packaging to the catering industry

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    a world leading dealer of sports equipment

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    Papier Mettler International
    leading manufacturer of plastic and paper gastro packaging

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    a member of the French ENGIE Group (previously GDF SUEZ), which is the world's No. 1 in the technical infrastructure sector

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    a member of Erste Group and a specialist in financing real property, infrastructure and development

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    a real property administrator

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    Zásobování teplem
    a Czech supplier of thermal energy

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    Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
    a leasing company

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    BAWAG Leasing & Fleet
    a member of Austrian banking group BAWAG P.S.K. leasing

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    a leasing company within Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich banking group

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    Tengelmann Energie
    a German company operating as an advisor in the energy industry

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    a Czech development company

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    a traditional Austrian company operating in the crafts, industry and trade sectors

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    an Austrian wood processing company

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    Viking Mašek
    A leading global manufacturer of packaging machines.

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    an Austrian building company

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    Quantis Consulting
    an international independent financial intermediary company

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    Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich
    a major Austrian bank

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    EQOS Energie (dříve Alpine)
    a member of EQOS Energie Gruppe, international enterprise group operating in the telecommunications, energy and mobility sectors

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    ZDR Investments SICAV a.s.
    a real estate fund of qualified investors investing mainly in discount retail real estate

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    ZDR Investments Public SICAV a.s.
    a real estate fund allowing investments for the general public and investing mainly in retail and administrative real estate, as well as logistics and production facilities

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    ZDR Investments Industrial SICAV a.s.
    A real estate fund that offers small investors the opportunity to invest in properties designated for production and storage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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    Zemědělské družstvo Všestary

Call us +420 225 020 500 or write to us.

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NIRRIS advokátní kancelář

You’ve known us for 20 years as Z/C/H Legal.

Now we’ve become NIRRIS.

NIRRIS advokátní kancelář